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Oncoter 60 capsules Nature's Pet

Regular price $ 330.00 MXN
Regular price Sale price $ 330.00 MXN
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22 available units.

Oncoter capsules are a natural dietary supplement, which helps in the treatment of cysts, fibroids, and tumors in men and women. It helps to boost the immune system and heal wounds. Oncoter is designed to complement conventional medical treatments and help strengthen the immune system, promote vitality, and improve quality of life during the recovery process.

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Blessed thistle, cat's claw, shark cartilage, cancerina, garlic, onion, yarrow, dandelion, cuachalalate, lesser comfrey, walnut.


Take 2 capsules every 6 hours.


60 capsules.


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Oncoter Nature's PETIt is a food supplement composed of natural vitamins and minerals. It has been created with the aim of providing a natural alternative forTreatment of cysts, fibroids and tumorsin women and men.

This treatment offers two main benefits. On the one hand, it helps patients prevent new injuries and treat existing ones. On the other hand, it strengthens the body so that it is prepared to suffer the natural effects of aging.

Oncoter Nature's PET offers a wide variety of benefitsThese include reducing cancer symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and lower pain levels. It also helps contribute to the stabilization of estrogen levels, meaning patients will have fewer mood swings and feel less anxiety.

Besides,the treatment of cysts, fibroids and tumorsWith Oncoter Nature's PET, a significant improvement in the immune system is achieved. This improves the quality of life of patients, as immunity to diseases and viruses will be significantly stronger.

Oncoter Nature's PET is based on a specific formula containing ingredients that can contribute to improving the overall health of patients. These ingredients include antioxidants that help protect the body's cells from oxidative damage.

Patients can also benefit from nutrients, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients help the body recover and become stronger from the damage done by radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The benefits of treatment with Oncoter Nature's PET can be felt quickly, as its ingredients help improve the health of the patients' body.

Oncoter Nature's PET is marketed in capsule form. It is recommended to take 2 capsules every 6 hours.

Before taking Oncoter Nature's PET, patients should speak to their doctor to ensure that this supplement is right for them. Doctors can also advise patients on the appropriate amount to take and foods to avoid.

When it comes to medications and supplements, it is important to note that some products can interact with each other. Therefore, before starting treatment with Oncoter Nature's PET, patients should inform their doctor about any medications they are currently taking. This helps prevent any potentially dangerous interactions between the medication and the supplement.

Discover moreNatural products to improve chronic diseases

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Para qué sirve Oncoter?

El uso de las cápsulas Oncoter se recomienda para la degradación de quistes y algunos tipos de tumores incipientes.

¿Qué contiene Oncoter?

Los ingredientes del suplemento Oncoter incluyen cardo bendito, uña de gato, cartílago de tiburón, cancerina y cuachalalate, entre otros.