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Biotin Conditioner 425 ml Nolisan

Regular price $ 145.00 MXN
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Biotin conditioner offers you the following benefits:

  • Biotin promotes the growth of rapidly reproducing tissues, providing more elasticity and less breakage of the hair.
  • Improve the health of the roots and follicles, increasing oxygenation levels in the different tissues, including the hair bulb.
  • Stops hair loss and provides vitality and volume at the same time.
  • It stimulates blood circulation, allowing a greater amount of nutrients to reach the hair roots, making hair look healthier.
  • Thanks to this contribution of nutrients, the hair recovers strength, thickness and will appear less brittle.
  • Biotin present in hair cosmetics cleanses the scalp, maintains the Balanced pH and leaves hair healthy and shiny.
  • In addition, it prevents sebaceous secretion and decreases and controls dandruff.

How to use:

After washing your hair with the shampoo of your choice, apply the conditioner, gently massaging it in with your fingertips. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse with plenty of water.


425 ML


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